
Tell me how you get angry and I will tell you your sign

Our angers and the way we express them say a lot about us... and our zodiac sign!

Find out with which one you identify with and how to deal with your zodiac sign.

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Basic situations for understand a part of you

We describe in a few words scenarios and ways to act when faced with a problem or a life situation.

If the way you react in life is similar to the way described, remember the number at the beginning of the text. Read the options and choose the one with which you identify the most.

  1. You are deeply bothered by anger, to the point that it is noticed in your body. The fury is read on your face and your gestures. You can be very hurtful. You get bodily infuriated, and you may end up getting physical. But you don't get away cheaply, because it leaves you exhausted. And you don't forget.

Now you have basic scenarios and situations: could you find the answers at the end and find out to which sign you relate in your anger?


And now you have the opportunity to explore more about your sign, to get more information about yourself and how to manage your anger stress situations.

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1. speak to a psychic online 2. love psychic reading online 3. online psychic source 4. psychic reading

Sources: BBC Birthday predictions Clarin.com Revolución Solar Astrology: Fact or fiction?